Reset TMJ / Migraine / Sleep
Using digital technology in our office we can fabricate a customized occlusal splint based on the merging of dynamic jaw tracking records, cone beam computed tomography, and a CAD-CAM digital impression. A customized splint designed for you using scans ans software can help alleviate symptoms such as headaches and jaw pain by relaxing muscles while you sleep.
We also offer Botox treatment for our patients and clients. Dentists are ideally suited to offer this treatment with their high level of knowledge about facial features and anatomy and experience with injections. Dr. Melfi is trained and certified to provide Botox and Juvederm XC filler injection therapy in the comfort and convenience of our practice.
Sleep Apnea
Physiologic based holistic dentistry is the emerging new medical standard in dental care. At Symmetry our dental care and unique technology look beyond just your teeth to include all the ways your teeth and smile work with surrounding muscles, nerves, and joints.
We help to actually prevent and treat common medical issues often directly related to your teeth and bite, including damaging teeth grinding, muscle tension headaches, TMJ, snoring, and sleep apnea. Using Tekscan Computer Bite Analysis, BioEMG muscle sensors, and even computer jaw tracking your cosmetic dentistry will last longer when problems like teeth grinding are treated at the source.
Dr. Melfi’s expertise in this area led to the creation of ReSet our specialty center right onsite to treat TMJ/Migraine and Sleep Apnea. We are here to address your existing problems and to help you feel confident that your routine restorative and cosmetic dentistry care will not only look good, but also prevent common issues like TMJ and teeth grinding.